[13] Roman to Integer

© Jarvus Chen / www.jarvus.net


Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.

Required knowledge

Roman numerals conversion table
  • I = 1
  • V = 5
  • X = 10
  • L = 50
  • C = 100
  • D = 500
  • M = 1000
Number Roman Number Roman Number Roman Number Roman
1 I 10 X 100 C 1000 M
2 II 20 XX 200 CC 2000 MM
3 III 30 XXX 300 CCC 3000 MMM
4 IV 40 XL 400 CD
5 V 50 L 500 D
6 VI 60 LX 600 DC
7 VII 70 LXX 700 DCC
9 IX 90 XC 900 CM

My solution ( Beat 96.96% )

addis the move distance for the next position in string.

int romanToInt(char* s) {

    char *data = "IVXLCDM00";
    int value[9]= {1,5,10,50,100,500,1000,0,0};    

    int ans = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int add = 1;
    int size = strlen(s);

    while ( i < size ){
        add = 1;
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < 7 ; j++){
            if ( s[i] == data[j] ){
                if ( i != size ){
                    if ( s[i+1] == data[j+1] ){
                        ans = ans + value[j+1] - value[j];
                        add = add + 1;
                    }else if( s[i+1] == data[j+2] ){
                        ans = ans + value[j+2] - value[j];
                        add = add + 1;
                        ans = ans + value[j];
        i = i + add;
    return ans;

Others solution


Use weight as the index for all ACSII.

int romanToInt(char* s) {
    int weight[256] = {0}; // store weights of I,V,X,L,C,D,M
    weight['I'] = 1;
    weight['V'] = 5;
    weight['X'] = 10;
    weight['L'] = 50;
    weight['C'] = 100;
    weight['D'] = 500;
    weight['M'] = 1000;
    int weight_pre = 0;
    int i = strlen(s) - 1;
    int num = 0;
    while(i >= 0) {
        if(weight[s[i]] >= weight_pre)
            num += weight[s[i]];
            num -= weight[s[i]];
        weight_pre = weight[s[i--]];
    return num;

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